Online Casino > Casino Strategy > Caribbean Stud Poker Strategy

Caribbean Stud Poker Strategy

The following tips can help you to maximize your Caribbean Stud Poker strategy.

When it comes to Caribbean Stud Poker strategy the only thing you need to think about is whether you want to play or fold. Understanding basic strategy is the best way to make this decision. The following pointers can help you to decide:
- You should always bet if your hand contains a pair or better
- If you have an Ace and King in your hand then you should bet
- If you have the same card as the dealer’s up card in your own hand then you should bet
In all other cases you can use your best judgment. However, folding is often the best option, especially if you want to make your bankroll last.

It is also important to note that you don’t have to bet on the progressive jackpot just because its there. Your odds of winning this jackpot are pretty low and making the wager is just decreasing your bankroll.

Stick to these basic Caribbean Stud Poker strategy tips and you can greatly increase your chances of winning and cut back on your losses.

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